Tag: Unconscious

  • See It Through

    See It Through

    Literature is replete with tales of those who come to times like this, places in which a person is suspended among choices that present tests of character with the direst consequences.

  • Suffering the Opposites

    Suffering the Opposites

    Jung proposed that neurotic suffering distracts one from genuine pain. Authentic suffering involves acknowledging inner contradictions, such as being both cheater and cheated, embodying opposing archetypes. Vehemently opposing “the other side” reveals a person’s unconscious denial of internal contradictions and despised traits.

  • Dream Work

    Dream Work

    Unfortunately, the ego often cannot tolerate sharing power. And so we dream.

  • Once Upon a Time: Shadow | 3

    Once Upon a Time: Shadow | 3

    I had pushed my inner Bad Girl, Angry Girl, Pissed-Off Woman, PMS Avenger, and other normal but negative aspects into the unconscious so I could present my Nice Lady face to the world.

  • My Animus and I Go to Drawing Class

    My Animus and I Go to Drawing Class

    Taking an art class is one of many attempts over the past year or so to do activities that may assist me along the path of individuation, and may encourage my more unconscious, repressed, or shy aspects to show themselves.

  • The Anima

    The Anima

    The Anima is a psychic structure that transcends gender. Being archetypal, it operates unconsciously to express the Feminine qualities of a person. It also informs and resides with the collective unconscious, exerting a powerful influence on culture.

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